Pos change user wise access module allows you to give access in point of sale.
Pos consulta de datos dni, ruc
Pos default customer.
Impresión ticket boleta y ticket factura.
Pos multi UOM allows you to sell one products in different unit of measure.
Pos multi language receipt allows you to print receipt on multiple languages.
Pos order operation module allows you to reprint the receipt by posbox thermal printer and normal printer, reorder and order return.
Easy way to return order from point of sale
Allows customer to check product price.
Allows you to show product name large text when there is no product image and we can increase or decrease the product box in POS.
This module allows you to print product image in receipt.
Allows you to sale pack product from POS.
Pos product pack allow you to create fixed and selective product pack.
Pos user restrict put and take money of box
Allows you to print session details information POSbox thermal printer.
Set Price Lists for Customers. Products/POS Categories Can be Added to Price Lists
If you already purchased our 'customized_invoice' and you want to print invoice from POS using the templates, then this module will help you
Allows you to print kitchen receipt after validation.